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written and produced by Mikel J. Wisler
directed by Diana Porter
2022, 11 mins, sci-fi / thriller
Nominated for Best Editing at the 2022 Long Island International Film Expo.
Carol has created a comfortable life in her apartment thanks to her friendly AI helper, Vicki, who observes and anticipates her every need. From diet and entertainment to Carol's most intimate moments, Vicki is ready to use every bit of data to make Carol's life more enjoyable. But who is in control?
About the director:
Diana Porter is an award-winning actress and filmmaker. Her film work has been featured at festivals including Fantastia, Scares That Care, and Boston UnderGround. When she’s not on set (her happy place), she enjoys creating stories about a dystopian future.
"Subscribed" is based on a short story by Mikel J. Wisler.
Movie Critic Reviews of "Parallel"
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