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Cyberpunk with a diverse cast of characters and twisted plot that will keep you guessing. Out now in hardback and ebook.


A blend of sci-fi & horror dealing with UFOs and alien abductions. Out now on Kindle and paperback.

My Books Featured at Barnes and Noble

This past Friday night, I had the chance to be part of Local Author's Night at the Barnes and Noble in Hingham, Mass. It was a great opportunity to share about the Unidentified novel and about my non-fiction book about filmmaking, Short Films 2.0: Getting Noticed in the YouTube Age. It was an honor to be part of such a great panel of local authors creating diverse and high-quality work. I was humbled and excited to see the enthusiastic response by the people in attendance that night. Many people picked up copies of both books. If you are in Boston's South Shore area and still want to pick up a signed copy of either book, there are a few copies still for sale at the Hingham Barnes and Noble.

Photos by Trevor C. Duke.

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