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Cyberpunk with a diverse cast of characters and twisted plot that will keep you guessing. Out now in hardback and ebook.


A blend of sci-fi & horror dealing with UFOs and alien abductions. Out now on Kindle and paperback.

Falling Sunward - StarShipSofa

I've been enjoying the fantastic science fiction podcast, StarShipSofa, for several years. They publish some remarkable short fiction in audio form with great narrators. I have been hoping that at some point a short story of mine selected to be featured in an episode of StarShipSofa. This week, that dream became a reality. I am so excited and honored to have something I've written become part of the wonderful selection of short stories this podcast consistently produces.

"Falling Sunward" is an original short story I wrote during this pandemic madness we've been going through, and I think the story reflects how I've been processing this particularly weird time to be alive. This is the story of a lone astronaut who crash-lands on Mars in a last attempt to save humanity. Tatiana Grey performs the story for StarShipSofa, and I love how she brings presence and emotion to the characters and story.

As a lover of science fiction art, this story was in part inspired by this amazing image by Magdalena Radziej.

Listen to the story for free below.

Be sure to subscribe to StarShipSofa where ever you grab your podcasts.

Finally, if you check out "Falling Sunward," I please take a moment to leave a comment on the episode's page. It will mean so much to both myself and to everyone at StarShipSofa. Thank you for stopping by.


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