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Cyberpunk with a diverse cast of characters and twisted plot that will keep you guessing. Out now in hardback and ebook.


A blend of sci-fi & horror dealing with UFOs and alien abductions. Out now on Kindle and paperback.

Publishers Weekly Reviewed My Latest Novel

Self doubt is definitely part of story as sci-fi author. I know all the psychology and the factors that lead me to be my own harshest critic. Still, it's one thing to understand, it's another to feel it. So, the occasional shot in the arm is a welcome thing. For authors, that often comes in the form of a positive review. It could be a reader posting a review on Amazon, it could be a blogger commenting on your work, it could be a review in a major publication. It's all humbling and exhilarating.

So the fact that Publishers Weekly recently reviewed my latest novel, Sleepwalker, is something I'm incredibly thankful for. Many thanks to my publisher, DoxaNoûs Media, making that possible and thanks to PW for diving into my craze cyberpunk thriller.

"As the conspiracies escalate, Wisler expertly combines breakneck action with philosophical debates about personality and identity, leaving readers exhilarated until the extraordinary conclusion." - Publishers Weekly

Not only is the review positive, it acknowledges one of my core values as a science fiction author: exploring foundational philosophical questions while engaging people with what hopefully is a fun ride for readers. If you'd like to read the full review by Publishers Weekly, you can do so here. But it might be worth warning you that the summary is maybe slightly more detailed than I'd normally got for. If you don't mind a few spoilers, go for it, though. None of the truly crucial details are given away.

In addition to this recent review from PW, Sleepwalker has also enjoyed some appreciative reception by book reviewer and blogger, Angela Yuriko Smith. You can read her full review here.

The paperback edition of Sleepwalker has had to be delayed due to many life circumstance, but it is still happening. As I get back on track with that project, I'll be sure to post updates. Thanks for stopping by.

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