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Cyberpunk with a diverse cast of characters and twisted plot that will keep you guessing. Out now in hardback and ebook.


A blend of sci-fi & horror dealing with UFOs and alien abductions. Out now on Kindle and paperback.

In the Absence of Instructions to the Contrary

I love a good short story. A great sci-fi short story can really pack an emotional and conceptual wallop. A few years ago I heard that a friend of mine, Frank Wu, had a story published in one of my favorite science fiction magazines, Analog Science Fiction and Fact. Naturally, I had to grab that issue and check out his story. Little did I know that Wu's story, "In the Absence of Instructions to the Contrary," would instantly stand out to me as one of the very best short stories I have ever read.

The other week, on Christmas Even, Escape Pod released their episode featuring the audio version of Wu's memorizing and haunting short story, I gladly took a listen.

Now I want to invite you to take a listen too. It's such a pleasure sharing beautiful stories with people, and this is one that definitely fits the bill as meaningful science fiction.

Now that you've listened to it, what did you think?

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